Big Big Trade

Sunday, March 12, 2006

5 Must Read Books

Here are the 5 "must read" books for stock market investors:

1. How to Make Money in Stocks by William J. O'Niel - The book teaches investors how to device a winning system in good or bad times. I like the chapter on how to spot a "breakout". Most "5-bagger" stocks start with a breakout. The move implies that there is a definite change in the company's fundamentals and a new valuation paradigm applies.

2.) Reminiscensces of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre - The book is about Jesse Livermore - a touted stock operator during the go-go days of the early 1900's. The author vividly narrates the insights of Jesse Livermore in trading the market. It all boils down to two basic things: price and volume. The book is a must read for traders who rely more on price movements rather than market fundamentals in buying stocks.

3.) Speculation as a Fine Art by Dickson Watts - The book is about the principles of speculation. According to Mr. Watts - "Speculation is a venture based upon calculation. Gambling is a venture without calculation."

4. One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch - The book is written by the legendary fund manager of Magelan Fund -Peter Lynch. He talks about how to spot "10-baggers" using common sense. He narrates how he invested GAP and Wal-Mart when both companies are still 10 store/1 state operations and held on to it and see them grow into a multi store/global operations. It all boils down to the ability of the company to replicate its business model.

5. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham - The book is the "bible" of Warren Buffet - the chairman of Berkshire Hataway. It teaches investors how to properly value stocks using basic metrics like return on equity, discounted cashflow etc.

Amongst the 5 books mentioned, the first 3 books are quite relevant to the local market. On the other hand, the other 2 books mentioned assumes an efficient market scenario which may not apply to the Philippine market.

The books are available at


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